We all grew up with wonder and intrigue, about what we’d find in the future. Would we find ourselves in 25 or 30 years with a household similar to what we watched growing up watching the Jetsons? Now that we’re here, things look a little different than we had anticipated, however, there are some amazing technology advances for the home that can make us feel a little closer to that futuristic daydream. The best part of it is that integrating a little smart technology in your home is probably more affordable than you might have thought, and may even save you a few dollars.
Smart Thermostat
These days, every major brand in the heating/cooling industry has a “smart thermostat” option in their product lineup. A WiFi-enabled smart thermostat allows for remote control of your home’s heating and cooling system via a central thermostat that replaces your current thermostat. After configuring the thermostat to your home wireless network (don’t worry at all…the thermostat will do all of the network configuration work on its own upon initial startup), a smart thermostat allows you to control it with just about any device such as a phone, tablet, or laptop from the comfort of your nearby couch or even from a far corner of the world. In addition to adding convenience and technology to your home, a smart thermostat will save you money over the long term because it enables a more precise and thorough regulation of your home’s temperature; you’re almost assured to lower your heating and cooling bill via increased control.
Power Adapters
According to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), our electronic gadgets account for 13% of a homes energy use from charging and powering up. That adds up over a period of time. Cut down on engery use with an AC/DC power adapter which will give your devices the exact amount of power necessary and will then shut off when the need has been met.
Smart Appliances
From keeping track of your diet to ensuring your washer is as eco-friendly as possible, it's amazing what appliances are able to do these days. For instance, a smart washing machine can even self diagnose and troubleshoot an operating issue which can cut down on sometimes hard to schedule service calls to an appliance technician. Appliances can now be programmed to reserve certain energy draining cycles to off-peak usage times when power is less expensive.
WiFi-Enabled LED Light bulbs
Aside from the novelty factor of controlling your home lighting from any device anywhere in the world, integrating these fun little gadgets into your home is going to provide cost savings relative to conventional, but now obsolete, light bulbs. LED lights are more energy efficient, last far longer, and provide energy savings year round. Of course, if you compare the price of standard LED light bulbs with WiFi-enabled LED bulbs, you’ll see that you’re not actually paying a significant amount for the WiFi feature.
Similar to the smart thermostats, WiFi-enabled LED light bulbs are very simple to automatically integrate with your home network, requiring essentially no technological savvy. In addition to controlling any of your home’s lights from a singular device, you can also track which lights are on or off in your home at any given time. This means your electricity bill is likely to go down in response to your newly increased control. Similarly, when you are out and about and realize that you left a light on (or maybe failed to leave a light on that you promised the house sitter would be on), you can easily take control of your home’s lighting system from your phone or other device. For a little extra money, too, you can even integrate WiFi-enabled LED bulbs that produce any color in the spectrum and even allow full customization of colors (do you want the room’s lighting to complement the colors in your art or other décor?).
These are few relatively inexpensive options to increase the technology in your home that don't necessarily break the bank and in the long term could save you money. We may not be driving a flying car or be served meals by a robot, but our current times has us holding computers in the palm of our hands controling many facets of our homes in which we live.