Create a unique look and flexibility to your living spaces with the use of sliding partition walls and doors to your home.
The use of sliding partition or commonly called barn doors have become very popular. Not only are they ethically pleasing, but increases the flexibility of your living spaces by allowing you to open up a room, or take a large open space and divide it in seconds.
Attached using sliding door hardware, partition walls can be placed just about anywhere that you want to create flexible space. They can also be used to create private areas in your home, or close off an area that isn't regularly accessed.
Sliding doors can be a hip and unique design solution to laundry areas off of kitchens and bathrooms. By hiding the washer and dryer behind the doors, you can block off the look of a laundry in the kitchen or living space, but when you need the elbow room necessary to use the appliances, you can easily open the doors, giving you the space you need.
From the most rustic to an ultra-modern design, sliding partitions can be designed to match any style and space. The most common look uses either solid wood or slatted doors. Areas where more light is needed call for frosted glass or polycarbonate panels which allow for light to come through without loosing privacy.
Turning a living space from open concept to privately separate doesn't’t have to mean giving up one or the other. You can have both. Sliding partition walls are a great way to create exactly the kind of space that you need at the time you need it.