In the 2009 movie "It's Complicated", Adam Schaffer (Steve Martin) tells Jane Adler (Meryl Streep) "Did you know it's good luck to start building in the rain?".
Today construction has officially begun with the excavators, and there's lots and lots of luck coming down on us.
This lucky superstition left me feeling like I should educate myself in regards to other interesting tidbits.
I found the usual "never walk under a ladder", and have also found that when you move out of a house one should leave the broom behind. A new broom signifies a fresh start in your new home. BUT, it's BAD luck to carry a hoe into the house, so make sure you are grabbing the correct tool before you cross that threshold.
Apparently, one should also carry bread and salt with you when you enter a new home and sprinkling salt wards off evil spirits, but I couldn't find what you are to do with the bread.
So when it's time to move in, I need to make sure I have a new broom, a loaf of bread, a shaker of salt, and a bottle of wine. The wine is not part of the superstition, but I figure it will go well with the bread.